Before the men arrived, there was much talk of an ambush. Matt and Brandon were planning to lurk in corners and surprise the men with an all out assault. It didn't end up being quite so devious, but they did get in some good wrestling. It's what Spencer does best!

I only brought one picture book with us, Go Dogs Go. All of the kids loved it. I think Ryan has it memorized now.

Parker got a ranger hat from the gift shop and let Ryan wear it. Ryan loved it. This is how Ryan's face looked most of the vacation. He was in heaven!

Old Faithful was one of my favorite stops. I couldn't believe all of the shops bordering the geyser. It was crazy. We got there about 15 minutes or so before the next eruption. That was plenty of time for people to notice our large brood of children. Between us there were 16 kids. People just didn't know what to do. It was awesome!

This is Maddie in front of one of the many hot springs. You could walk all around and through them on these little wooden platforms. You couldn't touch the water, but you could get really close. The steam was really warm on our faces. The springs were full of interesting colors...and smells!

This is Laura and me before our outing. She's the best!

This is Jeff teaching the kids about fishing. He and Spencer took them fishing in the pond and later took them fly fishing. Spencer really liked learning to fly fish. Most of the kids loved to fish, but not too many were willing to clean their catch. Macky loved eating the fish - that kid is crazy for anything from the water!

This is Parker and Ashley with a catch from the kid's pond.
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