I took the kids up to our family's cabin up on Lake Almanor this weekend. It was our big summer vacation kick off! We worked it out so that we could go up with my grandparents and my Uncle Jim's family. It was a total blast and I hope to make it a tradition. Are you in Cindy? This first photo is of my grandma holding her newest great grandchild - what precious moments!

The kids could not wait to make s'mores. Unfortunately, the first night we tried to do them, the gas grill was without gas. The kids were so disappointed. Uncle Jim to the rescue! The next night, Jim went out and got some gas and we had a s'mores party!

Keaton was so sweet with John. I tried to get a shot with both boys looking at me, but it was not to be. John just moves too much! I was so impressed with Keaton's attention to John. He was so nice and gentle.

Maddie LOVES her cousin Kelsey. Maddie followed her around all weekend. Kelsey was such a fantastic sport! Kelsey did hair, painted nails, tickled, watched movies, etc. It was amazing. Kelsey has a seriously devoted follower!

This is our favorite pass time at the lake. Although it was cold, the kids still went down to play in the sand. Kelsey and Maddie built a magnificent sand castle - perhaps the best I've seen on this beach!

Mac and I had fun playing catch while the girls were digging in the sand.

This weekend was so super great because of Aunt Cindy. Every time I turned around she was helping me do something. I never had to ask, she just jumped in there and helped. I think John got very comfy with her!

With a vacation that started with rain and no Spencer, it turned out to be lots of fun.
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