We took Maddie on her first trip to the theater last Friday. She has been to see ballet, but this was her first musical. She LOVED it! We went to see Guys and Dolls. This musical is special to our family because of the song "Bushel and a Peck." My Nana used to sing that song to me when I was a girl and now I sing it to my kids. We didn't know that it was in this musical until recently. We rented the movie version with Brando, but they left out that song. So, this was the first time we've heard the song sung in its entirety. It was great! Our favorite part was Jacob Carr, who played Nicely Nicely Johnson. He was FANTASTIC!! Wow!! Maddie feels like she knows an honest to goodness famous person now. When he sang, "Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat," he brought down the house. If you have the chance to go and see it next weekend, I highly recommend it. Last weekend is the last it will be playing. It was a great first for Maddie.
Is that what the song is from? Wow, never knew that. My great-grandma used to sing the first couple of lines every time we went to visit and got the hug. I sing it to my little ones every once in a while too. That's cool!