My boys have built up a bit of a reputation for trouble. Mac used to get into my kitchen and make horrendous messes. I remember one time he got into the shortening and covered himself and most of my kitchen before I found him. Another time Mac broke eggs on my kitchen floor. I could go on for hours about Macky's messes in the kitchen. Then there's Ryan. He loved putting things in his hair - toothpaste, yogurt, gum. He also loved to flush things. The most valuable thing he flushed was my wedding ring. I figured that I had a while before I had to worry about John. Apparently not. I put him on the floor and then the doorbell rang. While I helped my Uncle Jim get something from the garage, John was busy. By the time I got to him, he was covered in ink. He got one of Maddie's pieces of artwork and was busy trying to eat it. Maddie had drawn a picture with marker that came right off and smudged right onto John. So, now I really have to watch it. He's going to be an expert mess-maker, I can tell!
yeah, macky was the worst. I remember he got into the vasaline. That stuff is terrible to clean up. Maddie is plenty messy too. In fact, for a long time her nickname was Messy Jess. But it's different with her. She isn't trying to get into trouble. She is just very accident prone. She often knocks things over like her glass or any food she's holding.
ReplyDeleteWatch out for those Smith kids!! :)