Bonnie came over to have a sleep over with Maddie. When they are together, big messes ensue. When I ask them to clean up said messes, tears always come. In order to avoid the tears, I decided to play a game. They could earn bonus bucks by cleaning up their mess when they were done playing. With the bonus bucks, they would come to my store and buy treats to eat while watching a movie at the Smith Family Theater. Well, Maddie thought, if a small mess cleaned up earns a few bonus bucks, a large mess cleaned up earns a large amount of bonus bucks. So, she and Bonnie decided to make the biggest mess they could in order to then earn the most bonus bucks. BACKFIRE! So much for my great idea... This is a picture of Maddie's room when the had finished making it messy. They even emptied her dresser!! It took us hours to clean up. The didn't get to play store, but they did get to watch the movie.

They look so cute and innocent. It's hard to believe these same children made such a mess!
So funny thing is, I thought that Bonnie was grandma Bonnie at first and I was trying to figure out how she went along with that plan!